Governments, NGOs and supporters in millions come together to help end child labour. This phenomenal effort is seen all over the world due to the critical impact it has on the society in general and in the lives of children in particular. Support against child labour becomes the need of the hour considering the plight child labourers undergo. To spread awareness of this crucial social cause The International Labour Organization (ILO) observes June 12 as World Day against Child Labour. In India, Anti-Child Labour Day is observed on April 30.
Globally, many NGOs have taken up this cause as their core responsibility. This has enabled to maximise the impact of various Governmental schemes and initiatives. Apart from these core NGOs, there are many other not-for-profit organizations who supports the cause indirectly. NGOs like The Akshaya Patra Foundation that provide mid day meal to Government school children too shows its support against child labour. Through the mid day meal programme this Foundation aims to bring in maximum children to school, so that they can receive the goodness of education along with a wholesome meal. This indirectly helps to end child labour because this allows the children to come to school instead of letting them to work on the streets to earn a square meal.
The Anti-Child Labour Day in India is an effort to create awareness and educate the citizens about the hardships of the child labourers. It is also an effort to surface the responsibility we hold as social citizens. There are many ways to show your support against child labour. It could be by volunteering with NGOs that are working for the cause directly or indirectly, hold an event or campaign to spread awareness and raise funds, or you can also choose to donate to stop child labour. You support against child labour will uplift the society in a blissful manner.
Though there are specific days like Anti-Child Labour Day in India and World Day against Child Labour, it is our moral responsibility to continue our effort to help end child labour beyond these specified days. When we donate to stop child labour, we are actually taking a constructive step towards building the future of numerous needy children and the society at large. It is an effort that will show its positive results in the days to come. On this day of Anti-Child Labour Day in India, let’s take the first step towards making a practical and much needed difference. Act now to help end child labour.
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