Monday 16 June 2014

Feed a hungry child at just Rs. 750 for an entire year!

 'Hungry for school' sounds better than 'hungry for food'! This connotation brings to fore the fact that when the stomach is full the child will want to learn and grow. The concentration and focus of the child will be on receiving the best of education and not worry about earning a square meal. Every child despite of his or her economic background has the right to food and education. To achieve this equality, The Akshaya Patra Foundation provides 'unlimited food for education' to children of Government schools so that they don't have to worry about at least one meal time each day. It clearly understands the correlation between food and education and leaves no stone unturned when it comes to providing food for children.

The Foundation strives to make each day for the child 'hungry for school' so that the child gets the opportunity to learn and turn his or her dreams into reality. Akshaya Patra feeds about 1.39 million children across nine states of India. It covers more than 10,600 Government schools every day. It provides food for children in urban, semi-urban and remote locations too. The story of every Akshaya Patra beneficiary is unique but runs common is all the beneficiaries are full of hopes. Their radiant faces beam the confidence they possess in attaining their goals. Akshaya Patra's well structured menu suffices the local palate of each location and provides the children fresh and nutritious meal every day. Efficient management of the programme enables Akshaya Patra to feed a hungry child for an entire academic year at a cost of Rs. 750.

Support from Central Government and State Governments along with generous donors and well wishers have helped Akshaya Patra to be operational in providing food for children in 22 locations. Akshaya Patra also has a large base of volunteers who invest their time and skill to bring a change in the lives of the young hearts. The various volunteering options provided by the Foundation indicate that donation is not the only way to feed a hungry child. There are many more impactful and outreaching ways like campaigns, events, awareness creation through online social networking, blogging, photography that can be instrumental in bringing support to feed not just one hungry child but many more.

As a supporter you can choose the way you want to contribute to the lives of millions of needy children. Click on any of the below links to know how you can Get Involved to be a life changing agent in the lives of many children:

 -For donation: @ online donation

 -For volunteering:  @ volunteer

 -For Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): @ csr-Opportunities

Encourage 'hungry for school' among children by taking care of their lunch time!

To know more write to the Foundation at


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